A Little More Behind the Curtain
see us in
3 sprays
The perfect spray for any of your needs; Cloudburst, Monsoon, or Jet. it's up to you.
Hit Pause
Tap the pause button to bring the waterworks to a trickle.
Slide Bar
The slide bar lets you choose the perfect height for a perfect shower.
Let's Accessorize!
Anti-Fog Mirror
The shower can be a lonely place. But our mirror has a nifty rear reservoir to make sure it never fogs, so you’ll always have a clear view of you to keep you company.
Shower beer? Friendly little plant? Toothbrush and toothpaste? You do you!
Shelf-ie, anyone? Room enough for 2 big bottles or a few smaller ones. And a hook on the front keeps your loofah at its loofah-i-est.
Install the perfect shower rail without any damage to your wall.
German-engineered adhesive system, made by tesa, allows drill-free installation and removal of the slide bar without leaving a trace - keeps all your shower things where you want them. No drills. No mess. Just easy.
Step by Step Instructions
Don't worry, we've got your back! Follow our simple steps to a successful install. We'll even help you troubleshoot if it gets too difficult - just chat with us and get the job done right away.
Unbox Your Way to Happiness
Everything you need is in the box… everything! Our step-by-step installation kit will guide you through the process. Do it yourself, with a little help from sproos!
Our showers are green. Even the yellow ones.
Every sproos! shower aims to clean you without dirtying up the Earth. That's why we never use chrome-plating, which contains harmful stuff like Hexavalent Chromium. Because we live on the Earth, and we want to help keep it that way.
The Tech Specs
Will a sproos! work with my shower?
Your shower and sproos! were made for each other.
The hand shower is designed to pair perfectly with any 45-degree shower arm. Not recommended for straight horizontal, or vertical shower arms.
How does the glue work?
Our German-engineered adhesive system, made by tesa, secures the bar to your shower wall. Simply fill each side of the mount with glue and let dry for 12 hours. When you are ready to remove, simply pry the mount off by sliding a putty knife between the glue and wall. Any remaining residue can be scraped off.
Will it fit?
Take a look at the basic dimensions of our shower system. The bar can be mounted in many locations but make sure there is room for your accessories on the left and space for the hand shower slider.